Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Shoe-cide ...The Worst Shoes For Your Shoes.

The Heels are getting higher and higher--The Podiatrists call it Shoe-cide.

Ultra high heels force the force the feet into a position that puts stress on the balls of the foot.Too much pressure can inflame the nerves that surround them.Chronic stress can even lead to hairline fracture of the foot bones
 High heels add to the risk of ankle sprain-esp a lateral sprain.A severe sprain may even tear the ligament.the risk of osteoarthritis rises with sprains and fractures in any joint.
In flat shoes there is no arch support whatsoever.This keeps the feet from functioning optimally-can lead to knee hip and back problems.Poor arch support problem is also associated with a painful foot condition called planter fasciitis.
Planter Fascia which runs at the bottom of the foot works best with proper arch in the foot.Overstretching tearing or inflammation causes intense pain in the heel .Resting provides only temporary relief.
Stylish but pointed toes squeeze the entire front of the foot-eventually causing nerve pain,bunion,blisters and hammertoes.
A bunion is a painful lump at the base of the big toe-it causes the toe to bend unnaturally.Pointy toed shoes are a important factor.Good surgical treatment is available for this condition.
Rocker Bottom shoes facilitate the push off motion as we walk.However it is not recommended for older people or those who have balance problems.
3 Tips for Better Shoes.
A- A shoe with a sufficient arch.
B-A Chunky Heel that is less than 2inches High.
C-A Shoe that bends at the Toe box.


  1. I have a bunion. It makes it so difficult to select shoes. Most of the shoes i like don't fit properly coz of this bump. Thankfully, it's not very painful. What can be the other side effects of this condition?

  2. Nice article Sarika di! It just reinforces why I dont wear high heels!

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